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levy tax on中文是什么意思

用"levy tax on"造句"levy tax on"怎么读"levy tax on" in a sentence


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  • Taxpayer : i know a little about levying tax on salary , but how do i pay tax on director fees
  • The metropolitan government levies taxes on 16 items among the local taxes shown in the schematic drawing of the local tax system
  • Many places levy tax on a different basis . unlike hong kong , they tax the world - wide profits of a business , including profits derived from an offshore source
  • Many places levy tax on a different basis . unlike hong kong , they tax the world - wide profits of a business , including profits derived from an offshore source
  • In this regard , each individual government should have rights of levying taxes on e - business as does the traditional transactions
  • Besides , there exist some invisible income and black market deals which are not in the form of currency . so it is impossible to levy taxes on that part of income
    此外,由于在转轨经济中存在着许多非货币化的“隐性收入”和“黑市贸易” ,因此,很多收入是无法被征税的。
  • Where there are withholding , collecting and levying taxes on a commission basis , the contents of their invoices should include the rates of taxes withheld , collected and levied on a commission basis and the amounts of taxes withheld , collected and levied on a commission basis
  • This paper makes comments on the rural tax and fee reform , analyses the necessity to abolish the current rural tax system , suggests that we should extend the collection range of income tax , levy taxes on land usage and property and design new rural tax system based on the rule of public finance
  • In the first place , the imperfect legal and other related system have greatly held back the development of the corporation bond development in china . for example , " corporation bond management regulation " issued in 1993 has much to be improved in levying tax on the interest income of corporation bond , credit rating and the supervise mechanism . in the second place , the management system of the corporation should be improved greatly . for instance , the agent holds the control right ; the reassign obstacle of the control right and the bad debt rate is too high . in the third place , the lower flowing flexibility of the enterprise bond is also a factor
    第一,本文认为相关的制度和配套法规不完善制约了我国企业债券市场的发展,如1993年颁布的《企业债券管理条例》 、对企业债券征利息所得税、信用评级制度的缺陷、市场监管机制不完善;第二,公司法人治理结构不健全制约我国企业债券市场发展如,代理人掌握控制权、控制权转让存在障碍、企业自身资产负债率过高;第三,企业债券的低流通性制约了我国企业债券市场的发展;第四,缺乏机构投资者参与制约了我国企业债券市场的发展。
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